Phundex is pleased to announce its first release for 2023, delivering functionality requested by clients in the fall of 2022. 

"We were asked for most of this functionality by clients" said Heather-Anne Hubbell, CEO of Phundex. "We are delighted to be solving challenges raised by our clients over the past few months."

We set out in detail the additional functionality newly released on the Phundex Platform

Platform Enhancements

Creating Tasks with Multi-select Forms – now you can create forms with multiple selection options in the Data Type field so that Team Members can pick and choose from amongst the choices on a form or confirm as they review each item on the list that it is complete. 

See Tasks for all Team Members – as an Admin or Manager, you can now see all Tasks you have assigned to Team Members and all of your Tasks. Your Home Dashboard shows All Tasks for all Pathways you have assigned as well as your specific Tasks on a separate tab.  Each Pathway Dashboard also has ALL Tasks assigned, as well as a tab for your Tasks. You can search by Pathway name, Client Name or Team Member to see the status of Tasks you have assigned to Team Members and if any of your Team Members are overloaded.  It will also allow you to easily reassign Tasks if one of your Team members is away for an extended period or leaves the business. 

Pathway Filtering – you can now sort Pathways by Manager and by Client so you can easily see all Pathways related to a particular Manager or Client.

Data room view and filtering – You can now view Documents and Task Forms by tile or by list.  You can also sort Documents and Task Forms by Team Member so you can easily see documents and data forms for your assigned Tasks or those of your Team Members. 

Changing completed Tasks – In October, we enabled changing completed Tasks back to the "to-do" section.  This also allowed the Manager to amend the Task requirements and instructions.  In this release, we have added new email messages.  If you wish to change the Task and reassign to the same Team Member, a pop-up box will allow you to send the email to the original Team Member to let them know of any changes, and then allow you to amend the Task.  If you wish to amend the Task and send to a different Team Member, you can skip the email step, amend the Task and assign to the new Team Member.Phundex will automatically send an email to alert the new Team Member of theirTask. 

Minor user experience enhancements 

Phundex forms – we've cleaned up a minor bug on Task Forms created as part of a Phundex Pathway Template.  Data fields requesting documents and png formats could not previously be uploaded. We've fixed that technical glitch and you can now upload them as part of a Task Form.

Temporary Users – we've also cleaned up a minor bug for Temporary Users, where our system added them to an additional company, causing issues for access. We've cleaned that up, improving the Temporary User Access.

HelpDesk and FAQ's Enhancements

The Phundex Platform includes an online HelpDesk with handy tips, videos, FAQ's and details about each of our Pathways. The HelpDesk also has all resource material from our website and a chat feature to request more bespoke information or ask about additional features.  We have updated our solution articles, to include information regarding each of the enhancements above, and our Help Desk is standing by if you have additional questions.

We've already started prioritizing additional enhancements for 2023, based on customer requests.  Want some functionality you don't see here?  Contact us and let us know what you'd like to see.