If you can't see the save, edit or download button (or any other button on your screen), it may have to do with your screen resolution size, as this can be different depending on the type of computer or web browser that you use.

There are several options for changing settings to enable you to see all of the screen.  You can change your computer settings or your brower settings.

If you are struggling to find the download button on a document, this may simply be a browser scrolling issue, click the following link: 

Finding the Download Button

Changing your Screen Resolution Settings on Apple MacBooks

1. On your Mac choose Apple Menu - System Preferences, click Displays, then Display Settings. 

2. Select your display in the sidebar, then do one of the following depending on your display: 

- Click the Scaled pop-up menu, then choose a scaled resolution for the display. 

- Choose scaled, then select the resolution you want to use. 

You can click "show all resolutions" to see additional resolutions for the display. 

3. Click Done. This should solve the problem. 

Changing your screen resolution settings on Safari

1. Click the 'Safari' icon on the top of the screen. 

2. Click 'Preferences'

3. Under 'Page Zoom' adjust the resolution. 

Changing your Screen Resolution Settings on IBM Compatible Machines

Changing your screen resolution settings on Google Chrome

1. Click the ellipsis on the top right hand corner of the browser

2. Under 'Zoom' adjust the screen resolution. 

Changing your screen resolution settings on Edge

1. You can adjust your screen resolution by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the top of the screen. 

Changing your screen resolution settings on Firefox with Windows 10 or 11

Computer Settings:

  • Go to Settings
  • Select Display, then Scale and Layout
  • choose a smaller setting (your recommended may be 200% - try at 150%)
  • this should resolve the problem

Browser Settings

  • Using your browser settings, reducing the Zoom size from 100% to 90% should be sufficient to allow you to see all of the features of the Phundex platform
  • you can check what setting you are in by looking at the % level on the url browser line.  You can change the % Zoom by selecting the three line icon on the far right hand side (shown in grey below), then scroll down to Zoom and select the + or - buttons to increase or decrease the size

Screenshots of What the 'Save' Button Should Look Like