As a Manager you can duplicate Tasks within the Pathway and Stage that you are in, but you can also duplicate Tasks into other Stages or Pathways where you are also a Manager.

Here we walk through the Steps to do that:  

  • Select the Task you want to copy.
  • Click on the three elipses on the far right and select "copy Task".
  • The popup modal will show the task to copy.  It will automatically offer you the option to copy the Task into the same Pathway and Stage the Task is currently in.
  • If you want to change the Stage, select which Stage by using the Stage dropdown button.  That will allow you to copy the Task into a different Stage in the Same Pathway.
  • Remember to change the name of the duplicated Task.  If you forget, you can always use the Edit function to edit the name of the Task later.
  • If you want to copy the Task into another Pathway, you will need to be the Manager with permission to Manage that Pathway to be able to move the Task there.
  • Select the Pathway and Stage that you want to copy the Task into. Consider if you need to change the name of the Task before moving it.
  • The duplicated Task will now be in the new Stage and Pathway that you've selected.  

Copying Tasks to other Stages and Pathways

Copied Task with Form in new Pathway