Making a Task Recur

A Client Admin or Deal Manager can make a task recurring by: 

1. Clicking 'Edit Task'. 

2. Activating the 'Is Recurrent' Toggle. 

3. Setting the 'Periodicity'- meaning how often the task repeats itself to either: annually; semi-annually; quarterly; monthly; or end of month.

4. Setting the Recurrency Start and End Date. 

Recurrent tasks are marked by a circular arrow symbol. 

Setting the Periodicity

The periodicity between the start and end date, can be set to: 

Monthly- considers the start date and creates the task every month on that date. 

End of month- the system will create a task on the last day of each month. 

Quarterly- intervals of 3 months. 

Semi-annually- intervals of 6 months

Annually- intervals of 12 months. 

The system will only create tasks until the end date is reached, after that the recurring symbol will be grey in the tables and the user will have to edit the end date  of the recurring period. 

Recurring tasks generated by the system will have an order assigned, meaning they will not have dependencies. 


If the recurring task has an assignee an email will be sent to that user advising that a task was assigned.