There are several ways to see information about your Pathway Templates

If you want to see a list of all of your Pathways, you can click on Pathway on the left hand menu bar and that will take you to your Pathway Dashboard.  There you will see a list of all of your Pathways.  If you are a Manager, it will include all Pathways for which you are a Manager, as well as Pathways for which you are a Team Member.  For a Team Member, you will see all Pathways in which you are a Team Member.

If you want to see all of the Stages for a particular Pathway, choose that Pathway from the Pathway Dashboard where you will be able to see the Stages in that Pathway

To see the list of Tasks in each Stage, select the Stage Dashboard where you will be able to see all of the Tasks

To know which Pathways are your Templates, from your Pathway Dashboard, click on the Create Pathway button, select use a Template, and then select My Templates.  You will be able to see which Pathways you have made your Templates.

Currently, the only way to save Pathway Lists, Stages within Pathways and Tasks within Stages, you must take a screen shot using your preferred browser methodology, and download the screen shots which can be added to your files.

We are currently working on functionality to enable you to download Pathway, Stage and Task lists so you can see how you have customized Pathways, or what is included in Phundex Pathway Templates for you to start with.  We hope to have the functionality available in first quarter of 2024.